Arts and crafts become the jilted lovers Valentine

This Valentine's day why not redirect all of your energy away from that voodoo doll and back into your children's well being by following this fun and friendly advice of the Warm Biscuit Bedding Co.
Throw that Patsy Cline record out the window, put on some David Allen Coe, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to have more fun than Héloise's father did when he caught Abelard.
With these gifts you can dress even the most unappealing of children in enough velvet red and silver to guarantee them at least one Valentine card at school.
These lockets will make a great gift for that special someone who has been ignoring you all year but might be feeling amorous on account of the holiday couples that will be everywhere they look. Or try a charm bracelet or necklace, you can have the verbal and symbolic expression of your love stamped into something that will not wear away with time and the capricious whims of desire.
Another great idea from Warm Biscuit is to use these stickers, and create your own Valentine's card, rather than offer up the cheap trash from Hallmark that all the other prospective lovers will be offering.
You can use these bibs and onesies, to absorb the saliva your baby will be drooling when they catch sight of your new love interest wearing Warm Biscuit's picture and poem locket. And this apron will absorb yours when you catch sight of yourself in the mirror.

And hey, while you're there why not pick up one of these Valentine tote bags to carry away your purchases to your loved one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.